Accepted works and information on pick-up

Thank you for entering your work!


  1. The opening reception is Sunday, November 10 from 2 – 4 pm. If you would like to volunteer to help during the reception, please email Sara Nebel. We welcome donations of plated appetizers or cookies!
  2. If your work is accepted, please email Jolie Collins a photo of the piece to put on our website. The recommended image type is a jpeg/jpg with a minimum size of 250 dpi. Please label the jpeg file(s) with your first and last names and the title of the piece
  3. If your work was not accepted, pick up will start on and after Friday, November 1. You may pick up during gallery hours Wednesdays – Sundays from 10 am – 5 pm. Please do NOT pick up your work before November 1. Also, please do not pick up work DURING the opening reception. 

Deck the Walls Accepted Works List

Bon Appetit Accepted Works List