Exploring Winter Wonders Through Nature Journaling - PM Session
Cindy Flanagan
Thursdays, January 16 - March 6
6 pm - 8 pm
Class Cap:
Explore winter’s wonders and discover new ways to spark you artwork and illustration through nature journaling. Learn how the practice of nature journaling can feed your curiosity, wonder, and creativity and be a springboard for idea generation and capturing the uniqueness of your subjects.
Each week we will balance our time between presentation and practice. Students will explore nearby nature in their backyard and surroundings and share their journal discoveries through group discussion. The final two weeks of the course, we will explore how to extend one of our journal discoveries into a more formal art piece or illustration. The goal of the course is to help you develop a process of nature journaling that grows your relationship with nature using self-investigative play and discovery and helps you in your creative process of capturing nature’s wonders in your illustrations and artwork.
All levels welcome. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Weekly homework time–1-2 hours, but people are free to spend even more time exploring. Nature journaling is fascinating and absorbing! Get ready for wow and wonder!
About the Artist: Cindy Flanagan
Cindy Flanagan is a naturalist, artist, and educator, who has dedicated her work to connecting people to nature and place through art, science, and adventure. Her natural science illustration work stems from her nature journaling process. She connects to her subjects by going out, observing and asking questions. Her less than perfect sketches and notes of whatever she is exploring in the field gives her insights and understanding, foster her curiosity, and springboard her creativity to capture the uniqueness of her subjects and their stories. Cindy’s formal art training and nature illustrating came later in life, and she hopes is inspiration to others that anyone can learn a skill, you just need to take time to learn about it and put in the practice.