Accepted Works – Expanding Visions 2023

Artist Title (alphabetical order):

Last First Title
Bach Del-Bourree Spirit of the Wind
Ballinger Joann A. Contemplating
Banas Teri Imaginary Friends
Banas Teri Continuing Coonties
Barbour Charles F. Peonies (from the Marsteller farm, ca.1892)
Barbour Charles F. Tulips – Spring 2020
Barr Laura Here and There Panel #13
Barton Cynthia Hittin’ the Note
Belyayeva Dina Gondoliers on Break
Belyayeva Dina Screen Time
Bikbov Zufar Will This Storm Come?
Bikbov Zufar Evening Quiet
Bingham Lucretia A Path Taken
Brigante Kay R. Generations
Burdaspar Jean Blue Poppies
Butcher Jill Adele The Gardener
Butcher William The Mirage
Centrella Michael Party Hats
Centrella Michael Henry (Bed, Bath, and…)
Chandler Diane Divine Despot
Clark-Nilsson Katherine Motown Series I: Square
Cochran Maura M. Shade Down
Corbett Patricia Merritt Mania
Cotnoir Rosemary Sunset Gift Wrapped
Cotnoir Rosemary Meander
Davis Chandler The Passing
Davis Chandler Secret
Dean Margaret B. Abstract with Magenta and Gold
DeMeo Kathleen Entrapment
Dunn Carol Step Dancing Ram
Eagle Mike Late Summer, Indiantown
Emery Paula It’s All A Facade
Ficara Lorraine Restoring Self Care
Forouhar Faripour Snowy Winter
Gag Debra Vermont Farm, View of Mt. Mansfield
Gain Michael Twin Pines New Hartford
Gates Rose Mary Mountain Views
Gaynor BJ Elihu Island II
Gaynor BJ After the Storm
Gernard Ted Monarch
Gitchell Kristen Delgato Skaket Beach III
Gitchell Kristen Delgato Skaket Beach I
Harhay Anne Christmas Cove, Monhegan
Holtzworth Diane Dance of the River and Sky
Holub Will Rich Man
Howlader Sunil Life on the Water II
Howlader Sunil Melody
Howlader Sunil Elephant In Town
Hylka Laureen Sunrise on the Moats
Jones Jacqueline Bear Creek Falls
Joseph Elaine Juska Autumn in New England
Killeen Earl Grenville Facing the Day
Killeen Earl Grenville Getting Oriented
Killilea Mary Lang Daisie’s Day Out
Kuryla Kathy Idina
Kurzman Henie Granada Spain Vista
Laiuppa Mike Time-out Buddies
Levesque Ralph The Magicians
Linde Steve Tranquil Moment
Linde Steve A Walk on the Beach
Lizotte Patti Exposed
Loescher Paul Walking Home
Lucas Sarah Stifler Welcome to Max’s
Lucas Sarah Stifler His World
Lussier Barbara Toes in the Sand
Lynch Michael Sailing Through Bananas
MacLean Crystal Catharsis (Forest of Tears)
MacLean Crystal Where We Start
MacLean Crystal Intuition
Mansell Catherine Birch Tree Study
Matthew Jill Beecher Crown Vetch Below Barn
McDonald Molly S. Smoke Drift Sky
McGraw-Teubner Jane Into Blue
Meyers Judith Flotsam
Meyers Judith Enduring
Miceli Lisa Where Memories Grow
Miceli Lisa Her Table
Murtha Sean Brant in Blue and Gold
Murtha Sean East Rock
Napoleon James 4 Non-Blondes
Napoleon James Origins
Nasi Violet Crashing Water
Nichols Dan Afternoon Shadows
Nilsson Leif Ganesh at Rams Island
Ostiguy Robert Gypsy Woman
Oxenhorn Robert Wild Flowers
Park Howard Morgan Point
Park Howard Vinyard Reflections
Perry Judy Inner Strength
Petricone Patrice Untitled
Potter Jeanne C. Take Out
Procko Pat Tarot Queen of Wands
Procko Pat Be Careful, She Bites
Puccio Catherine Artists Apothecary
Puccio Catherine Victoriana
Quay Heather Beach Kayaks
Quay Heather Lacing Up
Quay Heather Dusk on the Cape
Rifkin Marc The Shape of Things to Come
Robertshaw Dorothy Dancing Seaweed People
Robertson Janine Marsh Grass with Reflections
Robertson Janine Aloft II
Rossitto Barbara A Regal Pose
Rossitto Barbara Converging Rivers
Salerno Nick Homage a Rothko
Salerno Nick Undercover
Schirmeier Beverley A. Letting Loose
Schirmeier Beverley A. Spring Chatfield Hollow
Serban Blanche Sea Spirit
Sinacola Linda Rutland Spring
Sonnanburg Joan Surge
Sonnanburg Joan Eye Yam What Eye Yam
Sonnanburg Joan Aspirations
Sopkin Marjorie Learning to Live Underwater #3
Starinovich John C. Eccentric
Suponski Gene Graphite Hoist
Suponski Karen Fissure #5
Swec Len Hill Country Ruin
Swimm Tom Red Chevy
Swimm Tom Mystic Light
Tellier Lisa Moosehead Magic
Traynor John Jophiel
Traynor John Uriel
VanDerMaelen Emily Praying Mantis’ Garden
VanDerMaelen Emily Honey Bee
Venti Carmela Suffragist S.B.A.
Venti Carmela Service
Venza Jac Self Portrait at the Beach
Ward Melanie Spring Marsh
Weigle-Spier Candice Where Do You Go When You Sleep
Wetmore Alexandra Wading for Waves
White Chet Mothers Day
Wlochowski Pete Black Throat Green
Youngs Cean Garden at the Flo Gris
Zagarenski Pamela Mandrake
Zoë Vivian F. Autumn Emergent
Zoë Vivian F. Blue Morning