Would you like to enter a show?
We are so pleased you are interested in submitting art to a juried exhibition at the Lyme Art Association. LAA’s online submission process gives artists the opportunity to pay entry fees and submit work early for jurying without physically dropping it off. Things to consider when applying:
1 – Are you a member in good standing? All our shows are only open to Lyme Art Association members, and two are only open to members who have achieved an advanced membership status. If you are not yet a member, you can join now. Click Here to Join, and become eligible to enter an all-member show!
2 – Have you read the prospectus carefully? You will find prospectuses on the Upcoming Exhibitions page. Please read carefully to make sure that your piece is suitable for the show’s theme and meets the other requirements.
3 – Use the art entry links on the Upcoming Exhibitions page to submit work for each individual show.
Image Technical Specifications for Submissions:
- Upload images as either .JPEG, .JPG or .PNG files.
- File Size: Maximum 4.5 MB per image
- Click here for the LAA Image Submission Guide, which provides information and links to tutorials on how to prepare images for online submissions.
4 – Accepted Works: If your work(s) is accepted, the Accepted Works List will be posted on the LAA website by the date and time listed on the prospectus, which are located on the Upcoming Exhibitions page.
5 – Drop Off/Pick-Up Info for Accepted Works Prepare each accepted work for drop off by filling out and attaching an exhibition tag. Drop off accepted art during the Drop Off/Receiving Dates and Times listed on both the prospectus and on the Upcoming Exhibitions page. An inventory form is no longer required, but please be sure your work has a tag on the back.
- Shipping of Artwork
- If shipping the work to our location, to accommodate the possibility of shipping delays, please ship your work as soon as possible. Artwork must be received by the final day of drop-off listed on the prospectus. Packages may not include packing peanuts.
- The artist must include a return shipping label. In addition, a $20 shipping and handling fee must be included in the package. Please make this out to the Lyme Art Association.
- Works will be returned to the artist after the exhibition is complete. Artworks submitted without a return label or shipping and handling fee may not be included in the exhibition.
- Please address packages to the following address:
- Lyme Art Association
- ATTN: Paul Michael – “Insert Title of Exhibition”
- 90 Lyme St, Old Lyme, CT, 06371
6 – The submission of work to the exhibition constitutes an agreement on the part of the artist or artist’s agent to these conditions.
Questions? Contact the gallery at (860) 434-7802.